A 10 week transformational program based on naturopathic principles that builds healthy habits into your life so you don’t have to think about how to be healthy.

Course begins on Zoom 27/01/21

Every Wednesday at 19:00 Israel time (GMT+2)

Enjoy every day

You should be able to enjoy every day without thinking about it

Waking up with stiff joints is no fun. It’s frustrating when you get out of bed and it feels like an effort to start the day. Where has the bounce in your step gone?


Sometimes health deteriorates slowly and you don’t notice it at first (like stealing squares of chocolate one square at a time). 


Other times there’s a big event - a heart attack, a bereavement, an infection. 


You know one thing for sure - you don’t feel like you should. Something isn’t right. 


You may have a diagnosis, or your doctors may be baffled. You may have an inkling of what’s going on.


And you know deep down that you can do something about it. 


You trust in the healing nature of the body - but where are you supposed to start?


It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when facing the possibility of dramatic life changes. 


Things that you might consider daunting like extreme diets and the sudden introduction of extreme exercise regimes that involve wearing sportswear and people looking at you as you as you gasp for air mere moments after setting off for a run.


I signed up to the course expecting it to be mostly about nutrition, however I was really happy that it involved a completely holistic approach to health, including lots of information and advice about mental health and well-being, exercise, sleep and goal-setting. I really enjoyed the group learning environment. We had a great group of people and I felt that we all inspired and encouraged each other. I also appreciated that Maya was able to deliver the course to the group, but also provide personal advice and assistance to each group member as was needed. The course helped me fine-tune a lot of aspects of my life - and motivated me to get moving on lots of personal projects - including a book draft and training for a triathlon! I would recommend the 10 Steps course to anyone who feels like they want to shake up their lives and become the best version of themselves

~Kala H.


How would you feel if I told you I could help you transform your health in just ONE HOUR a week for 10 weeks:

  • without giving up your favourite foods
  • Without joining a gym
  • With simple changes that become habits you don’t even think about


Imagine your life being easier in every way because you have already trained your brain to run health building habits on auto-pilot.


  • Waking up enthusiastic to start the day
  • Enjoying your morning coffee without needing it 
  • Wearing clothes that make you happy
  • Exuding energy even at the close of each day
  • Losing excess weight without calorie counting
  • Making more friends because you finally feel like the real you again
  • Having a calmer mind which is better equipped to manage stress
  • Feel like you have the space you need to grow

We're in this together

Imagine having boundaries that helped keep you safe. The burdens of your spouse, your friends and your family no longer weighing on your heart and generating guilt.

With constant support and motivation

Imagine what you would do if you had the energy and motivation to follow your interests. Would you pick up a hobby you have long neglected? Or start something new?

Finding some peace of mind

Imagine your home feeling like sanctuary for your soul. Where you can relax in a safe space and be yourself without feeling guilty.


Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  The body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The mind
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

I know this is possible for you because I have seen this in my clinic time and time again. 

It's why I've built this course.

A 10 week transformational program based on naturopathic principles that builds healthy habits into your life so you don’t have to think about how to be healthy. 


Each week I will teach you about one aspect of your health. I will give you simple strategies to use each day to build healthier habits. 


Each week you will have new assignments to practice, so over the duration of the program you will teach your brain to do these tasks without you thinking about them.


The best thing? You should see results before the end of the first week.


As you move through the program, the results will build on each other and you will feel better and better day by day, week by week.