What Is Lichen Planus

What is Vulva Lichen Planus?

Lichen planus is a common inflammatory condition affecting the skin and mucous membranes, and can fully resolve with treatment by Acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dermatology.

Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition that can cause marks, bumps on your skin, and/or sores in moist and damp areas like your mouth and vagina and around your vulva. In western medicine the cause is unknown, It is generally considered an autoimmune disorder. by Chinese medicine is normally seen an imbalance in the Wei qi, with Meridians like Liver, Gall bladder Spleen, Kidney, and stomach involved.

In severe cases, lichen planus can cause scarring which changes the structure of your vagina and vulva. The labia minora may appear flattened, the clitoris can become buried under its hood, the opening of the vagina may shrink or the sides of the vagina may fuse together.

Who’s at risk?

About 1 in 100 people will get lichen planus at some time. It is not caused by an infection, and you can’t pass it on to others. Lichen planus usually affects men and women in middle age. Equal numbers of men and women get lichen planus of the skin, but women are twice as likely to get oral (inside the mouth) lichen planus. The disease is rare in people who are very young or very old.

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